Junk Removal & Hauling

Over its lifetime, your household will accumulate a lot of stuff. Some of that stuff will lose its value – and turn into junk. Other stuff is simply difficult to move or dispose of. If your town dump only picks up appliances twice a year but you need to get rid of an unneeded appliance today, what are you supposed to do?


You call David’s Clean Up Service, that’s what.


We pride ourselves on being easy to do business with. Just take a photo and give us a short description of what needs to be moved or thrown away, and we’ll get right to it with a free estimate.

In addition, we’ve embraced a commitment towards minimizing waste. If we’re taking away something recyclable, such as scrap metal, then we’ll make sure that it gets recycled – not thrown in a landfill. If we’re taking away something that’s been used, but not broken, we’ll donate it. What’s junk to you may be a literal lifesaver for someone else.


Lastly, we’re perfectly happy to move things to places other than a junkyard. If you simply need to haul items from place to place, we’ll gladly take on that responsibility, ensuring that nothing you own gets damaged in transit. Contact us today to learn more!

Here are a few of the many things we accept:

  • Broken, damaged, or unneeded appliances
  • Old mattresses and box springs
  • Furniture and clothing
  • Tools and parts
  • Hot tubs
  • And more!

Many of these things are bulky and difficult to lift, but our haulers are experts. We’ll be certain to remove what you need taken away while leaving everything else – like your walls, floors, and doorways – perfectly intact.

Get a Free Estimate! Call 209-546-2746 today.